Physiographic provinces are based on land forms, not on climate, vegetation, or human activities.

Appalachian Highlands Physiographic Division:
Piedmont province:
(a) Piedmont Upland
(b) Triassic Lowland.
Blue Ridge province:
(a) Northern section
(b) Southern section.
Appalachian Valley province:
(a) Tennessee section
(b) Middle section
(c) Hudson section
St. Lawrence Valley:
(a) Champlain Valley
(b) Northern section.
Appalachian Plateaus:
(a) Mohawk section
(b) Catskill section
(c) Allegheny Plateau (glaciated)
(d) Allegheny Plateau (Conemaugh section)
(e) Kanawha section
(f) Cumberland section
New England province:
(a) New England Upland
(b) White Mountain section
(c) Green Mountain section
(d) Taconic section.
Adirondack province
From Nevin M. Fenneman, “Physiographic Subdivision of the United States,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3:1 (1917): 17-22.
Nevin M. Fenneman, “Physiographic Boundaries within the United States,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 4 (1914): 84-134.
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